Lynk & Co – Elsewhere

Stockholm is predictable. Stockholm is boring. Stockholm is dead. The good news: there’s a more exciting Stockholm waiting to be found. The way to get there? Lynk & Co.

  • When Lynk & Co launched their new club in Stockholm, they gave us the task of celebrating the opening with the city’s residents in a unique and entertaining way.

  • It's easy to end up in the so-called famous hamster wheel. You wake up, go to work, walk the same streets, eat at the same restaurants, meet the same people and … repeat. After a while, that gets boring and predictable. But there's another, more exciting Stockholm waiting to be found.

  • The campaign Elsewhere was created to inspire people to do something different and, by extension, participate in a more unexplored Stockholm. We wanted to show that Lynk & Co membership will give access to these parts of the city without owning a car.

    We created three unique experiences, invited a small group of people, and drove them to unknown locations. At the locations, they made perfumes at The Collect and Bottle, tested OMIT – a stress relief instrument – and took part in an intimate concert with artist Mona Masrour at Siggesta Gård.


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